affordable dedicated virtual servers; dedicated physical servers
..get yourself a piece of the cloud

Shared Hosting is, as the name implies, a group of websites sharing resources of a large server. The upside is that it costs the end consumer a lot less than putting together the required infrastructure to maintain a full fledged hosting environment themselves. The downside is that Shared concept. You'll be sharing memory, and disk I/O and network access with all those other sites on your host.

But what if you have special needs... you need a lot of memory, or have a highly disk intensive site with a large database, or expect to be using a lot of network bandwidth. Suddenly, shared isnt such a good deal. This is where a dedicated server comes into play. In fact, you may be asked to change your shared hosting plan to better reflect the resource consumption of your site. This is where a dedicated server comes in. Be it a virtual dedicated server or a physical dedicated server, all the resources on the machine are there for you, and you wont be impacting anyone else .

Nexus Internet Services can provide you either virtual, or physical dedicated servers for your application, at very affordable prices.

With any hosting, whether it be shared hosting, dedicated hosting or virtual hosting, it's important to choose the correct operating system. Nexus Internet Services offers you the option of a Linux Server or a Windows Server with the OS of your choice*.

At Nexus, we've tried to keep the choices as open as possible, providing you the flexibility you need. All of our Windows and Linux servers are PHP and CGI capable. Our Linux servers add Python, while our Windows servers add ASP and ASP.Net. If you have no preference over a Windows or Linux server, then we recommend basing your decision on what server side coding language you are going to use in with your server.

* Choices limited to available list provided by Nexus' datacenters and is subject to change
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